Taught by ELIJAH!

OVERCOMING SEXUAL SIN, Friends, Family, and Ministers (Part #2)

Sr. Archbishop Louis Lupo, General Overseer, North America Season 1 Episode 3

This powerful series on "Overcoming Sexual Sin"  is narrated and annotated by Sr Archbishop Louis Lupo, Ministry of Repentance and Holiness, USA.  The series originates from the Oracles of THE LORD by ELIJAH, the Mega Prophet of God.  the Message sends a searing rebuke to the present-day church kidnapped by sexual sin, and yet provides restorative solutions to Christians longing to separate out from the moral decay of this world, longing to be released form the prison of sexual sin.

No one could ever teach this type of Message anywhere on earth owing to the shortage in the House, before ELIJAH arrived.  I could have started this glorious expedition with other anointed holy teachings, but this one is really needed by the church in the USA, and sets the table to feast on the river of delights from Heaven.

Psalm 36:7-9
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights.
For with you is the fountain of life;   in your light we see light.

Prepare the Way, the Messiah is coming! 

2 OVERCOMING SEXUAL SIN, Friends, Family, and Ministers (Part #2)
(May 20th, 2022)

Deuteronomy 22:22 ; how does God speak about sexual sin? He says, “22 If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel.” That means get this thing out of this nation! He says, “That man must die!” God is persistently speaking death to sexual sin. Why have you smiled at sexual sin? As we build on, let’s go to the Book of Proverbs, somebody. I’m just bringing you to a place so you can understand how God looks at sexual sin and then we’ll go into how to break the chains.

The Book of Proverbs, this is the last bit on the foundation we are building for the teaching. Proverbs chapter 6 verses 20 to 35 , and you see what He is saying here; He says, “20 My son, keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.” He says, “21 Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. 22 When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you. 23 For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the correction of discipline are the way to life, 24 keeping you the immoral woman,”

The immoral woman. For women, I want you to look at the immoral men. And you see very clearly that He says, “24 keeping you from the immoral woman, and from the smooth tongue of the wayward wife”

How God looks at sexual sin; He’s already telling you to keep away from smooth tongue, somebody. And He’s saying “25 Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes” somebody. The Lord is warning you against sexual lust, somebody. Verse 26 He says, “26 For the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread, and the adulteress preys upon your very life.” Now I want you the women to look at the men who is a prostitute; the men look at the woman that is a prostitute He is talking about here. And so you see how the Lord looks at sexual sin here somebody; because He says the prostitute will reduce you to a loaf. Sexual sin is going to reduce you into a loaf. What do you see out of a loaf?

A loaf is made out of yeast. Remember I have taught on bread without yeast. I have said that is mighty bread; that is holy bread; that is durable bread; that is bread that walked them through the wilderness and now He is saying you are going to be reduced to a mere loaf that will rot in a short time, a mere perishable. That is how God is looking at sexual sin somebody. When He looks at you going to fall to sexual sin, He is seeing death. You are turned into a mere rot. You are going to start rotting. The loaf of bread with yeast cannot stand so long! You are going to rot. You are just like a loaf; swollen for nothing; inflation, corrupt.

You see what He is saying here; how God looks at sexual sin? I repeat 26, somebody. He says, “26 For the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread, and the adulteress preys upon your very life.” Which means comes to suck your  life; sexual sin is coming to suck your life; to suck your blood; suck your life. That is how God looks at sexual sin when He sees you going to sexual sin. He knows that sexual sin coming from the devil is going to suck your very life. And that’s why you see that the name Delilah means to suck out; to suck out the strength; to remove the strength; to finish him; to suck the life out of him.

You see very clearly here that surely sexual sin is death that the devil has wrapped up. He has covered death with something else but inside is death. And so you begin to understand at least in the little foundation we are laying out here before we go in to the deeper teaching you begin right away to understand that there is death inside sexual sin.

And you see JEHOVAH God speaking to you through His Word and He’s saying, “Please avoid the beauty that you see out there in sexual sin.” He is warning you against her beauty. He is saying, “Don’t be attracted by her smooth tongue and her appearance, her beauty.” 25, He says, “or let her captivate you with her eyes.” Let me teach you something so critical here: The flesh, the flesh is the world in you.

And you know that there is always a fight between the flesh and the spirit; in other words, the fight between the world and the spirit. The flesh is the little, miniature version of the world living in you and yet the world is now the outer world—the bigger world you see there. When you go to the Greek they say Cosmos. Cosmos means the world in Greek oriental language. Cosmopolitan— you are worldly; Cosmopolitan—you belong to the world; cosmetic; cosmetic—the beauty of the world.

He is warning you here—don’t be captivated by the beauty of her eyes. There is death in that world! That is the world He’s talking about here. He’s saying, the smooth, the sweet talking; which means when the devil packages sexual sin to you, he will always make it smooth, sweet and worldly, cosmetic, cosmopolitan, cosmos. That’s why JEHOVAH God is saying, “Don’t be attracted by the beauty of the eyes of sexual sin. There is death in there. You will become like a loaf of bread. In one single moment, tomorrow, you are rotting.”

GOD’s View Of Sexual Sin: 

A Highway To The Grave 

The LORD God in Heaven that created you when He sees you going into sexual sin in other words He is seeing you entering a highway to the grave. I’m heading to one thing here today on how to break the chains of sexual sin. But first of all we want to look at just a little Scripture. Read Proverbs chapter 5 verses 1 to 23 and Proverbs 7 read from 1 to 27. And now we are reading Proverbs 9:14 to 18, just finishing up with the foundation—How does God look at sexual sin; the Lord that created you, how does He look at sexual sin? But you see very clearly that sexual sin is a highway that leads to the grave—the Lord says so. And now we’ll read just 2 verses and finish up with the foundation. 

We are reading Proverbs chapter 9 :14 to 18, “14She sits at the door of her house, and she’s on a seat at the highest point of the city,” that is sexual sin sitting out there. “15 calling out to those who pass by, who go straight on their way, 16 “Let all who are simple come in here!” She says to those who lack judgment.” Look at that; “Those who lack judgment” listen to me; and she goes all the way down, look at verse 18, “18 little do they know that the dead are there, that her  guests are in the depths of the grave.” 

I am finishing with the foundation. How does the LORD look at sexual sin in your life? You can see that there is one thing that the Lord is speaking without confusion; without ambiguity— He’s saying sexual sin will always lead to death. Let us finish up with now one thing on the foundation, the last one. How does God Look at sexual sin? And now in this Scripture I’m beginning to transition with you; I’m beginning to move now from how God looks at it to how the LORD has given us solutions on how to overcome now. 

Flee From Sexual Immorality!

I want you to know that the devil presents sexual sin in several ways; in other words the devil is presenting death but he has covered it with so called sexual lust, seductiveness smooth talking. So you want to be very careful about these things the Lord is warning you of—smooth talking, the beauty of her eyes; that is cosmos in Greek, the world, be careful with the beauty of the world—cosmetics of the world. 

Let us see the last Scripture on how the Lord looks at sexual sin. The Book of 1 Corinthians chapter 6; now we are beginning to see how can you get out, after this Scripture. 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 12 He says, “Everything is permissible for me —but not everything is beneficial...I will not be mastered by anything.” Verse 13 He says, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food—but God will destroy them both.” The body is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body”. One thing you see here that is very interesting is that the Lord is talking about food. When it comes to sexual sin, He’s now talking about food and the stomach. Then He’s talking about the freedom you have—“Everything is permissible.” 

David had all the freedom to go to war instead of remaining home and looking at that woman bathing naked downstairs. As we go on you begin to understand how to overcome sexual sins; one of the things is make sure you go to war. Don’t stay home. But we are not yet handling the solutions yet. And you see that He’s talking about freedom. Samson had all the freedom not to go to Delilah. The church has all the freedom to refuse Delilah from entering. 

And yet Delilah entered and seduced her already and she already gave all the secrets of the LORD. And the power of God left her just like the power of God left Samson. And yet here we see that the Lord is very clear that sexual sin always leads to death. 

And you see He’s talking about food when it comes to sexual sin here. Why is He talking about food? He wants you to understand that it’s always about the flesh. You can see right in there even the first beginning of the solution to sexual sin right in there. You can see that if you are talking about the flesh and food, that fasting becomes the first thing that sticks in your mind. So He’s bringing food when it comes to sexual sin and He’s talking about the flesh and He says the body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord. 1 Corinthians 6:14 , He says, “By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.” 15 he says, “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself?” 

Now that is a surprise. He’s beginning to tell you that actually your body does not belong to you. Look at how He’s approaching you right now. Regarding sexual sin He begins to tell you, your body does not even belong to you any more now. Your body belongs to the Holy Body of Christ; Holy, Holy! “Shall I then take members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute?” He says, “Never! Do you not know that one who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her? For it is said, ‘The two become one flesh. But he who unites with Christ himself becomes one with him in spirit.” Look at now what He says there in verse 18, “Flee from sexual immorality.” Get out of there! 

 Honor GOD With Your Body

Don’t try to manage it—don’t say, “I am dealing with it;” run away from sexual immorality, somebody! That “I’m still talking to my pastor about it. And I’m living with this man here and we are not married. My pastor is helping me how to get out of this thing.” He says, “Flee!” That’s one of the few areas where God commands you to flee. He says—“Don’t try to manage it. Run away from this sin.” 

When it comes to sexual sin, He divides it. He says, “All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.” He begins to explain to you that when it comes to sexual sin, I JEHOVAH God, then I have to divide sin into two: Sexual sin is the only sin in which you are sinning against your own body—inside your body. In Spanish they say, entro. And He says all the other sins are committed outside your body. Now when it comes to sexual sin I want you to know I am ready to put all the others here; but this one you are sinning against your own body. 

And listen to what He says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;” He begins to tell you one thing—your body is actually the holy tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. So there is no way you can combine that body with sexual sin. In other words when it comes to sexual sin, you actually grieve the Holy Spirit. That means your body is the dwelling of the Holy Spirit. 

Every time you sin sexually you grieve the Holy Spirit that is supposed to be resident in you. If you are a Christian it is even worse because every Christian is supposed to be a holy temple of the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit has nowhere to live in you now. Look at what he says here, “You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” That means now your body does not even belong to you. Jesus bought that body of yours. You have to ask the Lord for permission before you do anything on that body. That means if you go and sin sexually listen to what you have done—you have just ignored the price He paid; the heavy price to purchase your body. And you are defiling Jesus. 

When you walk out there, what is the definition of sexual sin? The Bible says that based on the way a woman is dressed she can be called a prostitute; the same thing with men. If you walk around where you have pierced your ears, you are frying your hair—in some cities like San Francisco in the US if you do that they say you are a homosexual; men follow you. You are a prostitute, and I’ve seen them in the church. They have fried their hair, they have pierced their nose, they have pierced their ears and they are men. They are prostitutes. 

Based on the way you dress, the Bible calls you a prostitute. And He’s saying you should be honoring God with your body. There is no way ever you can begin to bring sexual immorality in your body, you grieve Jesus. “I am a Christian. I put on miniskirts, tumbo cuts and exposing my legs, my breasts.” People begin to wonder what kind of image is this? You are giving Jesus a very defiled image. You are not different from the one that made the movie Da Vinci Code. And you say you are a Christian. You are defiling the Holy Name of Jesus. You are not different from the blasphemy in the movie theaters.

He is saying your body has been purchased. The Lord purchased your body with His own life; the Darling of Heaven. And then He says, “You cannot combine it with a prostitute.” How come now you have allowed even homosexuality in the church? How come? How come you didn’t know that He says there is always death to sexual sin? Remember Eli; Eli loved God. He really loved the ways of God. And God had a covenant with this man. And He told him your sons will always come before Me. He had an everlasting covenant with him. And remember our God is an everlasting respecter of covenant with men.  

He respects it to the end. But Eli, when Eli failed to rebuke sexual sin among the people at the altar, God forgot about the covenant. He killed him right there. When it comes to sexual sin God is always ready to say “I don’t know you.” He will close doors on you. And Eli died. Eli that God used to speak with finally does not even know how God speaks. When the Lord starts to send you a Prophet, be very careful.

There is a Prophet that was sent to Eli. There was a Prophet that was sent to David, Nathan. When the Lord begins to send you a Prophet, that means He is closing the door to talking to you direct. He’s done with you. He’s closed it. And you women that are out listening to me now, you have suffered in things, you have being rejected, your husbands have died, the only one you are left with is Jesus—is JEHOVAH your God and you don’t want that one to forget about you, and yet when it comes to sexual sin, He’s willing to close the door on you. That means sexual sin is one sin where God is ready anytime to shut the door on you. No wonder the anointing leaves the servants right away.

Do you see how the Lord looks at sexual sin? Why has the church treated sexual sin very lightly? I was very shocked when I saw the type of sexual dancing at the altar. I said, “Lord, I know your ways, they are holy. This is unholy,” our God is the same Holy One of Israel. I saw the sexual dressing in the church; I heard the stories of the women going to sit on the balconies of the church up and the pastor is preaching down and defiling the altar of the Lord. The Lord showed me in mighty visitations many churches; the condoms being picked up after night vigils and I wondered and said, “Lord are you still having the same Bible?” I went to the bishops; I went to the pastors, I said, “I want to speak with you. The Lord has shown me your church.” I was shocked at how this church treats sexual immorality very light. And I have just finished with building for you a foundation for the teaching here. You see that every corner God is speaking— death, death, death, death to sexual sin. I want you to know how do you break the chains of sexual immorality?

Pathway to Overcoming Sexual Sin: 

Developing a Deliberate Resolve Let us just begin now looking at how do you handle the situation of sexual sin in your life, in your church? The Book of 1 Thessalonians let us go to solutions. But I want you not to forget the following: that I’ve made it very clear to you—God’s view, the Lord’s view on sexual immorality, sexual sin. 

When it comes to sexual sin, now He wants to put all sins together and divide them into two. When it comes to sexual sin, He is willing now to say, the rest are different, this one here is a special sin. This one here now is serious to Me, and something is very critical here because you see Him bringing the Holy Spirit now. And the last part of the Trinity you want to grieve is the Holy Spirit. And He says very clearly if you grieve the Holy Spirit; if you blaspheme the Holy Spirit, you are sitting at a very tricky place, you cannot be even forgiven. And you also know that our Lord says very clearly that you cannot see Him. No one will see the Lord except for when they walk in Holiness— Hebrews 12:14 . 

And yet you find out very clearly that in the Book of Matthew chapter 5 verse 27 he says, “Whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed sexual sin with that woman.” And that means you cannot live in holiness except when you receive the Holy Spirit. And now the same temple that you have that the Holy Spirit should have come and He occupies is the same temple you’ve defiled and He says, “He cannot mix wickedness with righteousness.” You need to sanctify your body to be the Holy Temple of the Holy Spirit so you can receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit and walk in holiness otherwise you will not see the LORD. 

And yet now you are defiling that body with prostitution, sexual sin, and you see it all over church. You see the youth church sexual sin is full there; you see the adult church, sexual sin is there; you go to the pulpit, sexual sin is there. This is the day, this is the hour for this church to know how God looks at sexual sin and separate from this sin. This is the time for the church to know the true Word of God regarding sexual sin so the church can separate otherwise the non-Christians will not want to come to church. They will see sexual sin in the church and then they will fail to come. It’s very important. 

Let us look at how do you break the chains of sexual sin and lust. And again I want to make it clear to you here: It starts with desire. It goes into lust. If you can just think about sexual sin, you have fallen. If it just crosses your mind, you have fallen. That is the key. If you see that it’s crossing your mind, you need to repent and cry to God to fill you with the Holy Spirit because when the New Law came, the LORD said, now you don’t need the two to three witnesses Moses needed for death to occur on somebody that defiled the covenant. 

Now He says a mere look at a woman and lust at her, you have committed adultery with that woman. And yet the same Bible says if anyone came from wherever and they preached you a gospel other than what you’ve received whether be they angels let them be condemned to death forever. 

Salvation Prayer

LORD JESUS, I am a sinner and I Repent of all my sins. Please wash my sins with the Precious Blood of JESUS today. I turn away from all sin and I receive you in my heart today as my LORD and SAVIOR. Please write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and please send me the HOLY SPIRIT to help me live in holiness, and establish Your Word in my heart and protect my heart.

In the Mighty Name of JESUS, I am Born Again today.

