Taught by ELIJAH!
Taught by ELIJAH!
5 OVERCOMING SEXUAL SIN, Friends, Family, and Ministers (Part #5)
This powerful life changing destiny altering series on "Overcoming Sexual Sin" is narrated and annotated by Sr Archbishop Louis Lupo. The series originates from the Oracles of THE LORD by ELIJAH, the Mega Prophet of God. The Message sends a searing rebuke to the present-day church kidnapped by sexual sin, and yet provides restorative solutions to Christians longing to separate out from the moral decay of this world, longing to be released form the prison of sexual sin. (Part #5)
No one could ever teach this type of Message anywhere on earth owing to the shortage in the House, before ELIJAH arrived. I could have started this glorious expedition with other anointed holy teachings, but this one is really needed by the church in the USA, and sets the table to feast on the river of delights from Heaven.
Psalm 36:7-9
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights.
For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.
Prepare the Way, the Messiah is coming!
And if you are a servant of God and she is giving you a lot of tithe and she is entering the church with her husband in a very short a miniskirt, and sitting in the front seat as you preach, you stand up and you rebuke sin, and you tell a woman, “Get me a () here. Give this woman. I choose Jesus. My Lord is holy. I do not care. I rebuke sin today.” I rebuke sin! I know that Eli did not rebuke and God killed him.
James chapter 1; James chapter 1 verse 12 breaking the chains of sexual sin; tremendous time we have entered into as a church. Today the truth is coming out for the church. We have spoken the true Word. We’ve seen the true Word as written by God what He says about sexual sin—the weight of sexual sin in the eyes of God. Now we are looking at how to use the Word, the secrets, the keys in the Bible to break the chains of sexual sin. Today the church is being set free. Once the church can defeat sexual sin, this church is free.
James chapter 1 verse 12, “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” So I want you to understand that there is the key to overcome sexual lust, sexual sin, sexual immorality. Even if you are a single girl in the church and all the other girls have boyfriends, all of them they are walking with boyfriends, they are talking to you about boyfriends, they are on cell phones with boyfriends and yet for you they think you are abnormal; and if you are a young man in the church—you are not married, you have no girl friend and you are not calling anyone; no one is calling your cell phone and the other boys think that you are abnormal, them they are walking with girls, I want you to know that Jehovah God who created you is speaking about you.
Don’t fall into those peer pressures of sexual sin. He is saying, “Blessed are you that perseveres under those trials because there is a crown waiting for you for those who love God.” That means you love God. You don’t have to do like they are doing. You don’t have to give in into the pressure. If you can persevere, God is walking with you. God is watching you. God is helping you. God is preparing to reward you—to crown you; to give you are crown.
Listen to this; why should I just go into some very silly relationship with a woman and fall may be get AIDS here, syphilis, whatever it is instead of waiting for the crown of God? 2 Peter chapter 2; I’m telling you today your freedom has come. Today your freedom has surely has gotten in here. 2 Peter chapter 2 verses 4 to 9; and this is what he says here. He says,
Halleluyah; you can read if you are at home later when you have time, just read from verse 1. But for the sake of, we are going further—we’ve not even reached half-way. 2 Peter chapter 2 verses 4 to 9, and this is what he says here, He says, “For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the floods on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly;” verse 7 is the key for sexual sin—fighting sexual sin.
He says, “...and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of the lawless men (for that righteous man, living among them a day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard” Halleluyah; verse 9 for you sexual sin to close it down powerfully “—if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of Judgment, while continuing” Halleluyah; “their punishment.”
Halleluyah; listen to me somebody, listen to me somebody, I cannot hold this anymore. He is saying very clearly here, that Lot was living in a very difficult place, Sodom and Gomorrah. It was so bad that when the angels came, they wanted to defile the angels sexually and Lot had to offer his daughters. That is how filthy it was! And Lot lived in there in the filth and he was tormented day in and day out. And yet you, you have not even reached that level. And yet you see now very clearly that God says that if He is the same God that was able to save Lot when he was tormented, what is difficult with Him saving you from where you are. You have not even suffered that level of torment.
The same God is faithful to remove you from this very immoral world. Hang in there. Don’t give up somebody. Don’t go to the women in the bars because other men are doing so; because other men are going. Don’t give in to the pressures of the immoral world. The same God that was able to pull Lot out, He is able to pull you out and save you as a Godly man.
The same God that was able to save Noah, the preacher of righteousness, He is able to save you. Even you the preachers, even you the pastors, don’t give in because it’s a fashion. Don’t give in because you see, “I see the other pastors preaching money and doing this, buying big cars,” and yet they are falling in sexual sin. You stick to holiness. Stick to repentance. Preach righteousness, stay with God. You see what I’m talking about. Look at what the Lord is telling us. He is telling us that He has complete power to take you out of there and He is speaking to you today about perseverance.
When you walk down the streets of any city don’t tell your wife, “You know there are so many women dressed almost naked I was weak, I fell to that.” No don’t say so. He is saying persevere. He is talking about perseverance because your redemption is at hand. God is seeing you. God knows the day of your salvation. He knows that you as a righteous person He is saving
you from judgment. He saved Lot. He is not a liar. He is the same God. He never changed in 2006. He is going to save you and you will be in glory with Jesus. You will be proud of your life. And then you will begin to understand that the life on earth is extremely temporary. There is eternal life waiting for you out there.
The young girls in church, you don’t have to give in and lose your virginity or sexual purity. Wait on the Lord. The Lord is telling you just persevere, I am with you. I know you are living in an immoral world where every girl is talking about boyfriend. The young men in the church, just maintain your virginity and purity. The Lord is watching over you. He knows that when you persevere there is a crown for you. Don’t give in to the girlfriend, boyfriend story that you are seeing in the youth church.
The pastors who are single out there, look at the Bible there are many servants that are single, separated by God. You cannot just run around. “Hey I have to run quickly and look for a woman.” The devil will give you one that has HIV AIDS. That “I have to be complete; I have to be complete. You know as a pastor, I’m a young pastor from college—Bible College. I have to be complete now.” The devil knows you. He is going to tag you with a counterfeit. “I am beginning to look within the worship team.” You are going to humiliate Jesus—you are going to fall. Persevere! Persevere your way! The elders of the church might be speaking, tell them, “I’m waiting on the Lord. This time I am waiting on the Lord. I want to hear the voice of God. I want the woman that will help me serve God. Time has changed.
The season has changed. I am not walking in the flesh. I know the Lord is watching on me. He is looking for a new breed of servants. I will not be old as usual; I am going to be a new generation. The new is old. The end time is over. I want to fly above the storms and restore this church. I don’t want to walk into flesh—get woman; get woman. No I want to walk in the Spirit. I want to look for a spiritual wife that will serve God with me.
1 Corinthians chapter 10 and when the Lord brings you that wife, she will love Jesus more than you, and you will love Jesus more than her. And you will have three people in that marriage relationship. There will be Jesus at the center of that marriage and the husband and the wife. And I’m telling you that marriage is so solid by the Blood of Jesus; not just running and seeing that, “O I see that woman; she has started a church. She has many people. Let me run and marry her. That means there is a lot of money there; yes and cars there; let me run there.” Or “I see that man started recently. He’s anointed. He has many people in the church. Let me get married to him so I can have a car with him.” That woman is looking for material.
If you are like me and you start preaching holiness and repentance most of the sheep are going to walk out and then you will remain with few. That woman will leave you because you will not get money. You will not even preach money. Make sure you hear from the Lord. The Lord is saying “Persevere. Hang in there. I am watching you. Don’t go according to the
wind, the fashions of the world.” I should find a wife so I be seen with a wife quickly; I should find a husband, be seen with a husband quickly. Remember the Lord has prepared for you a path, a wonderful wife. Don’t go according to flesh. Don’t go according to flesh, somebody. And when you get that husband or wife, the wonderful marriage, the model marriage and both of you will serve the Lord like champions. And you can stand even during the fire when now you are been tested; when now you are passing through fire of the Holy Spirit, both of you will stand. And not to get married in a short while and then quickly you are looking for the worship leader. That is the beginning of the fall.
So let us understand what he is saying here. He says sexual immorality is a no, no, no. So he is asking you, “Please persevere, I know that you are living like Lot lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. Receive the Holy Spirit and persevere and wait on me.” And let me tell you the young girls you can maintain your purity and your virginity in church; nobody should tell you that you don’t have to maintain your virginity and purity.
You can maintain your purity until the day you are married to that man. That man is coming. Don’t worry. He’s coming; the Lord will present him. Don’t worry about that. Don’t panic. You might get HIV if you panic. And the Lord actually He knows every single thing you are going through. And you servants of God make sure you teach purity. Make sure you teach abstinence; abstinence; purity—keeping away from out of marriage sex; sexual sin, keep out from sexual sin.
And when you teach that, I just want to remind you of one thing: There is another sin, there was a research done that was looking at the churches where they taught abstinence and this research was done in the western world—in the US. And they found that those that were maintaining abstinence, the youth, trying to maintain their virginity; I just want to show you how sexual sin is so deep and the devil uses it and it’s embedded in the church; those that chose to live in abstinence, the research found that majority of them were doing masturbation. And masturbation is homosexuality.
We saw the repentance at Egerton, how when they came out and said it’s a very big problem in the institution. It is a real problem in the church. We have to address this problem in the church. We have to teach them to abstain and abstain completely and persevere under the Holy Spirit. You see; today the truth is coming out. The church is being redeemed and delivered today. 1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 8 he is saying persevere even Lot persevered. Lot persevered so much in there. 1 Corinthians chapter 10 just to look at another aspect of how God looks at sexual sin; verse 8 is enough. He says, “We should not commit sexual immorality, as some of them did—and in one day twenty-three thousand of them died.”
Why did I bring this here? Listen to me very carefully: The wife of Jehovah, Israel, the wife of Jehovah, He did many miracles in Egypt. He killed left and right to save Israel—the precious wife of Jehovah. But when they committed sexual sin, He killed 23,000 in one day. Their bodies were scattered all over the desert. So if you can understand the relationship that
the Father has with His first born how He calls her at times—firstborn; He says, Israel His beloved one. And you see that because of sexual sin, He killed tremendously; 23,000 in one day, not 1,000—23 times. This is also another key that can help you to break the chains on sexual sin. So you begin to understand that the Lord has zero tolerance to sexual sin.
1 Corinthians chapter 1 verses 7 to Halleluyah to 9; Halleluyah! you are right; 1 Corinthians chapter 1 verses 7 to 8, “Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly await for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will keep you strong...” Listen to me somebody, “He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
He is saying here very clearly that the Lord is able to keep you blameless and strong as you wait for that day. The Lord is very clearly speaking to you here that He is going to keep you; just persevere; He’s going to keep you strong until that day. And He’s saying that He has spiritual gifts that He is going to give. There is no scarcity of those gifts—some of them are the gift of discernment; some of them the gift of just being able to be resilient, to persevere— crucify the flesh in the Holy Spirit; of knowledge, of wisdom; the gift of prophecy—if that woman coming to your office tomorrow is coming for sexual sin, the Lord can even show you in a dream through the gift of prophecy, somebody. And He’s telling you very clearly here that those of you that have fallen to sexual sin, you have been lied to by the devil. You did not know that such promises were in the Word of God; the Living Word. And He’s saying, “No, no, don’t worry. I am not scarce of gifts and I’ll keep you strong and you’ll be strong and you will be blameless until that day;” promises; He that never lies, promises so when that kind of temptation comes you say, “No, Lord you promised that you’ll keep me strong. I am not falling.”
Some of the gifts that He’s talking about is wisdom, knowledge, discernment, the gift of the fear of God, all these things He will give them to you be armed and be equipped with them. And then He will use that to keep you blameless until that day and when the day of the Lord comes and you waited, Halleluyah; and you stepping out on that day—the curtains are opening; the glory of the Lord is down, many people shall have fallen and you will see now the beauty of waiting on the Lord.
I am telling you today it is getting deep. Halleluyah; today it is opened up before the church. There is no more excuse for falling into sexual sin. So the Book of John chapter 8 but we are still handling right now how just to disconnect and you see that there is tremendous power and there are tremendous keys here that help you to completely shut the door on sexual sin. Halleluyah; He is saying here the Book of John chapter 8 verse 31 to 47, He says this, again look at the key here, “31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.” Verse 32 He says, “32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” And He says, “The truth will set you free.” I’m telling you many times if you are in sexual sin, the enemy has blocked you from finding the truth until the church has even tolerated sexual sin. They have tolerated, the have lived with it. It’s as if it is normal, acceptable now because what the enemy has done, he has hidden the truth from them. They say on Friday, Saturday, you can do the following with women and them Sunday you come to church.
You are trying to bribe God and yet our God is holy. And they think that is the way out. “See I will just repent. See I will repent on Sunday. I will repent.”
Salvation Prayer
LORD JESUS, I am a sinner and I Repent of all my sins. Please wash my sins with the Precious Blood of JESUS today. I turn away from all sin and I receive you in my heart today as my LORD and SAVIOR. Please write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and please send me the HOLY SPIRIT to help me live in holiness, and establish Your Word in my heart and protect my heart.
In the Mighty Name of JESUS, I am Born Again today.
Prepare the Way, the Messiah is coming!